K&G Tribute speelt nu:
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Booking Agency & Event Organisation
0031 134 400 200
Direct / Whatsapp :
0031 658 827 114
Impression of our live recordings
The Cube Boskoop
These songs or tracks will always remain the copyrighted property of their respective owner(s)
Funkspecial Kool & The Gang Tribute Europe is a band that wants to show where the current influences of contemporary music can be traced back. Few people know that the musical influences of Dance, House and Rap can be traced back to the Disco, Funk and Soul of the 70s and 80s.
We therefore want to pay tribute to the disco, funk and soul of the 70s and 80s, which are the founders of the very diverse current musical trends.
The band members of Kool & the Gang Tribute Band met by chance and equally share their love for Disco, Funk and Soul, so they decided to unite their musical forces in a Kool...
Kool and The Gang Tribute band.